Creating a Program
a) Click the button on the “Programs” Screen.
b) On this screen fill out the appropriate information and Click
*Program Name is a required field you must fill out or you will not be able to continue.
-Contacts and locations
a) If you would like to add additional contacts or locations to your individual programs, you will have the ability to do so on this screen.
*Please Note that adding contacts or locations are not required.
a) If you wish to break your program out into sections (Individual Sports or Sub Programs) you can do so here.
b) While creating a new section the user must enter the name and registration dates for each section.
-Section Concessions
a) You have the ability to add fees to individual sports by clicking on the drop down box on the right hand side of the sport section. (Pictured Below)
-Program Concessions
a) This is mainly used for if there is a onetime fee per year for competing in athletics. This makes it so the registrants do not get charged for each sport they register for.
-Participant Forms
a) Fields are broken out into silos for users to have a cleaner experience. In this step Click the Checkbox on the fields you wish to capture in your form.
b) If the user chooses to add a customized field, go to the section you wish and Click the button
-Agreements and Policies
a) As an admin you will have the ability to create either an Agreement or a Policy.
Agreement- An agreement is the signature section of the platform. If you create an agreement as a user you are looking for someone to sign off on a waiver or perhaps a policy you created.
Policy- Is a section that is used purely for information purposes. By adding a Policy you are looking for the user to read the contents of a waiver.
*Keep in mind that agreements and policies can be added from other programs.
b) In order to upload an image or links to agreements and policies, you must click the two tabs pictured below.
c) In order for your registrants to view these agreements and policies, you must add them to the program after the are already created. Click edit and then in the drop down box select “Add To Program”. This is also where you go to delete an agreement or policy. (Pictured Below)
a) This section is used if there is a participation fee associated with a sport. The only payment options available are PayPal, MySchoolBucks, and Stripe. You will need to enter all of your payment information and then add it to the program after it is completed, just like the agreements and policies.
You can open the publish date of a program, but can still keep the date that students are allowed to actually register for closed and vice versa. Open Date is when the students can register for it and Publish Date is when it will show up on your main page for the students to view.